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Class: Solver

Solver provides asynchronous communication with the solver.

Unlike function solve, Solver allows to process individual events happening during the solve and also stop the solver at any time. If you're interested in the final result only, use solve instead.

To solve a model, create a new Solver object and call its method Solver.solve.

Solver inherits from EventEmitter class from Node.js. You can subscribe to events using the standard Node.js on method. The following events are emitted:

  • error: Emits an instance of Error (standard Node.js class) when an error occurs.
  • warning: Emits a string for every issued warning.
  • log: Emits a string for every log message.
  • trace: Emits a string for every trace message.
  • solution: Emits a SolutionEvent when a solution is found.
  • lowerBound: Emits a LowerBoundEvent when a new lower bound is proved.
  • summary: Emits SolveSummary at the end of the solve.
  • close: Emits void. It is always the last event emitted.

The solver output (log, trace and warnings) is printed on console by default, it can be redirected to a file or a stream or suppressed completely using function redirectOutput.


In the following example, we run a solver asynchronously. We subscribe to the solution event to print the objective value of the solution and value of interval variable x. After the first solution is found, we request the solver to stop. We also subscribe to the summary event to print statistics about the solve.

import * as CP from '@scheduleopt/optalcp';

let model = new CP.Model();
let x = model.intervalVar({ ... });

// Create a new solver:
let solver = new CP.Solver;

// Subscribe to "solution" events:
solver.on("solution", (msg: CP.SolutionEvent) => {
// Get Solution from SolutionEvent:
let solution = msg.solution;
console.log("At time " + msg.solveTime + ", solution found with objective " + solution.getObjective());
// Print value of interval variable x:
if (solution.isAbsent(x))
console.log(" Interval variable x is absent");
console.log(" Interval variable x: [" + solution.getStart(x) + " -- " + solution.getEnd(x) + "]");
// Request the solver to stop as soon as possible
// (the message is only informative):
solver.stop("We are happy with the first solution found.");

// Subscribe to "summary" events:
solver.on("summary", (msg: CP.SolveSummary) => {
// Print the statistics. The statistics doesn't exist if an error occurred.
console.log("Total duration of solve: " + msg.duration);
console.log("Number of branches: " + msg.nbBranches);

try {
await solver.solve(model, { timeLimit: 60 });
console.log("All done");
} catch (e) {
// We did not subscribe to "error" events. So an exception is thrown in
// case of an error.
console.error("Exception caught: ", (e as Error).message);


  • EventEmitter


new Solver()

new Solver(): Solver







on(event, listener)

on(event: "error", listener: (err: Error) => void): this

With event="error", register given listener function to error events. The function should take an Error parameter (standard Node.js class) and return void.

listener(err: Error) => voidThe function to be registered.


The Solver itself for chaining.




This function is equivalent to function EventEmitter.on. As usual with EventEmitter, if there is no listener registered for the 'error' event, and an 'error' event is emitted, then the error is thrown.


In the following example, we simply log all errors on the console.

let solver = new CP.Solver;
solver.on('error', (err: Error) => {
console.error('There was an error: ', err);
let result = await solver.solve(myModel, { timeLimit: 60 });

on(event, listener)

on(event: "warning", listener: (msg: string) => void): this

With event="warning", register a listener function for warning events.

listener(msg: string) => voidThe listener function to register. It should take a string

parameter (the warning) and return void.





This function is equivalent to function EventEmitter.on for event type warning. The registered listener function is called for every warning issued by the solver, the warning message is passed as a parameter to the function.

Alternatively, you can use function redirectOutput to redirect all solver output (including the warnings) to a stream.

The amount of warning messages can be configured using parameter Parameters.warningLevel.


In the following example, we simply log all warnings on the console using console.warn.

const solver = new CP.Solver;
solver.on('warning', (msg: string) => {
console.warn(`Warning: ${msg}`);
let result = wait solver.solve(myModel, { searchType: "LNS"});

on(event, listener)

on(event: "log", listener: (msg: string) => void): this

With event="log", add a listener function for log events.

listener(msg: string) => voidThe listener function to add. It should take a string

parameter (the log message) and return void.





This function is equivalent to function EventEmitter.on for event type log. The registered listener function is called for every log message issued by the solver, the log message is passed as a parameter to the function.

The amount of log messages and its periodicity can be controlled by parameters Parameters.logLevel and Parameters.logPeriod.

Alternatively, you can use function redirectOutput to redirect all solver output (including the logs) to a stream.


In the following example, we simply log all logs on the console using console.log.

const solver = new CP.Solver;
solver.on('log', (msg: string) => {
console.log(`Log: ${msg}`);
let result = await solver.solve(myModel, { logPeriod: 1 });

on(event, listener)

on(event: "trace", listener: (msg: string) => void): this

With event="trace", add a listener function for trace events.

listener(msg: string) => voidThe listener function to add. It should take a string

parameter (the trace message) and return void.





This function is equivalent to function EventEmitter.on for event type trace. The registered listener function is called for every trace message sent by the solver, the trace message is passed as a parameter to the function.

The types of trace messages can be controlled by parameters such as Parameters.searchTraceLevel or Parameters.propagationTraceLevel. Note that traces are available only in the Development version of the solver.

Alternatively, you can use function redirectOutput to redirect all solver output (including the traces) to a stream.


In the following example, we simply log all traces on the console using console.log.

const solver = new CP.Solver;
solver.on('trace', (msg: string) => {
console.log(`Trace: ${msg}`);
let result = await solver.solve(myModel, { nbWorkers: 2 });

on(event, listener)

on(event: "solution", listener: (msg: SolutionEvent) => void): this

With event="solution", add a listener function for solution events.

listener(msg: SolutionEvent) => voidThe listener function to add. It should take a

SolutionEvent parameter and return void.





This function is equivalent to function EventEmitter.on for event type solution. The registered listener function is called for every solution found by the solver, the solution is passed via SolutionEvent parameter to the function.


In the following example, we log value of interval variable x in every solution using console.log.

let model = new CP.Model();
let x = model.intervalVar({ length: 5 });
const solver = new CP.Solver;
solver.on('solution', (msg: SolutionEvent) => {
let solution = msg.solution;
let start = solution.getStart(x);
let end = solution.getEnd(x);
if (start === undefined)
console.log("Solution found with x=absent");
console.log("Solution found with x=[" + start + "," + end + "]");
let result = await solver.solve(myModel);

Note that in Evaluation version of the solver, the reported value of interval variable x will be always absent because the real variable values are masked.

on(event, listener)

on(event: "lowerBound", listener: (msg: LowerBoundEvent) => void): this

With event="lowerBound", add a listener function for lower bound events.

listener(msg: LowerBoundEvent) => voidThe listener function to add. It should take a

LowerBoundEvent parameter and return void.





This function is equivalent to function EventEmitter.on for event type lowerBound. The registered listener function is called for every lower bound update issued by the solver, the lower bound is passed via LowerBoundEvent parameter to the function.

on(event, listener)

on(event: "summary", listener: (msg: SolveSummary) => void): this

With event="summary", add a listener function for summary events.

listener(msg: SolveSummary) => voidThe listener function to add. It should take a

SolveSummary parameter and return void.





This function is equivalent to function EventEmitter.on for event type summary. The registered listener function is called at the end of the search, the summary is passed via SolveSummary parameter to the function. The summary contains information about the search such as the number of solutions found, the number of failures, the search time, etc.


In the following example, we log part of the summary message on the console using console.log.

const solver = new CP.Solver;
solver.on('summary', (msg: SolveSummary) => {
console.log(`Solutions: ${msg.nbSolution}`);
console.log(`Branches: ${msg.nbBranches}`);
console.log(`Duration: ${msg.duration}`);
let result = await solver.solve(myModel);

on(event, listener)

on(event: "close", listener: () => void): this

With event="close", add a listener function for close events.

listener() => voidThe listener function to add. It should take no

parameter and return void.





This function is equivalent to function EventEmitter.on for event type close. The registered listener function is called when the solver is closed, the function takes no parameter.

The event close is always the last event emitted by the Solver, even in the case of an error. It could be used, for example, to wait for solver completion.

See Solver for an example of use.


redirectOutput(stream: null | WritableStream): Solver

Redirects log, trace, and warnings to the given stream. Or suppresses them when stream is null.


streamnull | WritableStreamThe stream to write the output into, or null to suppress the output.



The Solver itself for chaining.

Normally, Solver writes log, trace, and warning messages to its standard output. This function allows to redirect those messages to another stream (e.g., a file) or suppress them completely.

Note that besides writing the messages to the standard output, the solver also emits events for log, trace, and warning messages. Those events can be intercepted using functions on.

If the output stream becomes non-writable (e.g., a broken pipe), then the solver stops as soon as possible (function stop is called).


In the following example, we store all the solver text output in a file named log.txt.

import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as CP from '@scheduleopt/optalcp';

let solver = new CP.Solver;


sendSolution(solution: Solution): Promise<void>

Send an external solution to the solver.


solutionSolutionThe solution to send. It must be compatible with the model otherwise an error is raised.




This function can be used to send an external solution to the solver, e.g. found by another solver, a heuristic or a user. The solver will take advantage of the solution to speed up the search: it will search only for better solutions (if it is a minimization or maximization problem). The solver may try to improve the provided solution by Large Neighborhood Search.

The solution does not have to be better than the current best solution found by the solver. It is up to the solver whether it will use the solution in this case or not.

Sending a solution to a solver that has already stopped has no effect.

The solution is sent to the solver asynchronously. Unless parameter Parameters.logLevel is set to 0, the solver will log a message when it receives the solution.


solve(model: Model, params?: Parameters, warmStart?: Solution, log?: null | WritableStream): Promise <SolveResult>

Solves a given model with the given parameters.


modelModelThe model to solve
params?ParametersThe parameters for the solver
warmStart?SolutionAn initial solution to start the solver with
log?null | WritableStreamA stream to redirect the solver output to. If null, the output is suppressed.

If undefined, the output stream is not changed (the default is standard output).


Promise <SolveResult>

A promise that resolves to a SolveResult object when the solve is finished.


The solving process starts asynchronously. Use await to wait for the solver to finish. During the solve, the solver emits events that can be intercepted (see on) to execute a code when the event occurs.

Note that JavaScript is single-threaded. Therefore it cannot communicate with the solver subprocess while the user code is running. The user code must be idle (using await or waiting for an event) for the solver to function correctly.

Note that function solve cannot be called only once. If you need to solve multiple models or run multiple solves in parallel then create multiple Solver objects.

Warm start and external solutions

If warmStart parameter is specified then the solver will start with the given solution. The solution must be compatible with the model otherwise an error is raised. The solver will take advantage of the solution to speed up the search: it will search only for better solutions (if it is a minimization or maximization problem). The solver may try to improve the provided solution by Large Neighborhood Search.

There are two ways to pass a solution to the solver: using warmStart parameter and using function sendSolution. The difference is that warmStart is guaranteed to be used by the solver before the solve starts. On the other hand, sendSolution can be called at any time during the solve.


stop(reason: string): Promise<void>

Instructs the solver to stop ASAP.


reasonstringThe reason why to stop. The reason will appear in the log.




A stop message is sent to the server asynchronously. The server will stop as soon as possible and will send a summary event and close event. However, due to asynchronous nature of the communication, another events may be sent before the summary event (e.g. another solution found or a log message).

Requesting stop on a solver that has already stopped has no effect.


In the following example, we issue a stop command 1 minute after the first solution is found.

let solver = new CP.Solver;
timerStarted = false;
solver.on('solution', (_: SolutionEvent) => {
// We just found a solution. Set a timeout if there isn't any.
if (!timerStarted) {
timerStarted = true;
// Register a function to be called after 60 seconds:
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Requesting solver to stop");
solver.stop("Stop because I said so!");
}, 60); // The timeout is 60 seconds
let result = await solver.solve(model, { timeLimit: 300 });