Function: benchmark()
Benchmark the given model or a set of models.
Parameter | Type | Description |
problemGenerator | ProblemGenerator | A function that takes an input and returns a ProblemDefinition or a Model. The function will be called for each input in the array inputs . |
inputs | any [] | An array of inputs to the problem generator. |
params | BenchmarkParameters | Benchmark parameters to use (it includes Parameters of the solver). |
An array of results, one for each run.
This function is used to run benchmarks of the solver. It can be used to solve a single model or multiple models. The models can be generated from data files, or they can be generated on the fly. The function can also export the models into JSON, JavaScript, or text formats.
The function will call the given problemGenerator
for each input in the
array inputs
. The input can be anything; it is up to the problem generator
to interpret it (it could be, e.g., a name of a a file). The problem
generator should return either a Model or a ProblemDefinition
(a model with parameters and a warm start). Then, the function will solve the
model and return an array of results.
Using BenchmarkParameters it is possible to specify additional parameters of the benchmark. For example:
- Each problem can be solved multiple times with different random random seeds (using parameter BenchmarkParameters.nbSeeds). This is useful for getting more reliable statistics about the problem's performance.
- Multiple models can be solved in parallel to speed up the computation (using parameter BenchmarkParameters.nbParallelRuns | BenchmarkParameters.nbParallelRuns). In this case, it is useful to limit the number of threads for each solve by parameter Parameters.nbWorkers.
- The function can also output the results in CSV or JSON formats or export the models into JSON, JavaScript, or text formats.
See BenchmarkParameters for more details.
If multiple models are solved (or one model with multiple seeds), this function suppresses the normal output, and instead, it prints a table with statistics of the runs. The table is printed on the standard output.
If the array inputs
is empty, the function writes an error message
to the standard output and terminates the program with exit code 1.
In case of an error during solve, the function does not throw an exception but returns ErrorBenchmarkResult for the given run.
As BenchmarkParameters are an extension of Parameters,
the parameter params
can overwrite parameters for all solves.
If problemGenerator
returns a ProblemDefinition, then the
parameters from the problem definition are used as a base, and the parameters
from params
are used to overwrite them (using combineParameters).
Suppose we have a function createModel
that takes a filename as
a parameter and returns Model. For example, the function can model
the jobshop problem and read the data from a file.
We are going to create a command line application around createModel
that allows solving multiple models, using multiple random seeds,
run benchmarks in parallel, store results in files, etc.
import * as CP from '@scheduleopt/optalcp';
function createModel(filename: string): CP.Model {
let params: CP.BenchmarkParameters = {
// What to print when --help is specified (assuming that the program name is mybenchmark.js):
usage: "Usage: node mybenchmark.js [options] <datafile1> [<datafile2> ...",
// Unless specified differently on the command line, the time limit will be 60s:
timeLimit: 60
// Parse command line arguments. Unrecognized arguments are assumed to be file names:
let filenames = CP.parseSomeBenchmarkParameters(params);
// And run the benchmark. The benchmark will call createModel for each file in filenames.
CP.benchmark(createModel, filenames, params);
The resulting program can be used, for example, as follows:
node mybenchmark.js --nbParallelRuns 2 --nbWorkers 2 --worker0.noOverlapPropagationLevel 4 \
--output results.json --summary summary.csv --log `logs/{name}.txt` \
In this case, the program will solve all benchmarks from the directory data
, running
two solves in parallel, each with two workers (threads). The first worker will use
propagation level 4 for the Model.noOverlap constraint. The results will be
stored in JSON file results.json
(an array of BenchmarkResult objects),
a summary will be stored in CSV file summary.csv
, and the log files for individual
runs will be stored in the directory logs
(one file for each run named
after the model, see Model.setName.